Wednesday 22 October 2008

Georgie Osborne's Pudding and Pie

Georgie Osborne’s pudding and pie's
Dished up by Rothschild’s serving guys;
But Georgie needs to buy the vote:
They visit Deripaska’s boat.

Feldman joins him to promote
‘A big donation’, quote-unquote.
Oleg’s passport isn’t right,
So Feldman flies the usual kite:
‘A firm he owns could hide the gift,
(And Georgie sees no need for thrift!)’

Georgie Osborne, sailing by,
Kissed the Rich but made them cry;
When the Rich write to ‘The Times’,
Georgie Osborne guiltless mimes…

Georgie Osborne’s pudding and pie’s
Served by the Rich; He scarce denies!

(But Machiavelli was also there,
And Georgie never got his share.)
George Osborne, Conservative party Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, has already been criticised by opposition commentators over his response to the financial crisis. But it is his dealings with his (former?) sponsor, Bullingdon chum, and hedge fund tycoon Nat Rothschild, regarding a alleged donation sought from a Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska, which has really got the media talking about him. George has, of course, denied ever asking for money, but as one comment on The Times website put it: 'The Tories must think we were born yesterday!' Intriguingly, 'Machiavelli' was also there enjoying the pudding and pie on Deripaska's superyacht, and George's inept attempt to smear a Government (i.e. Labour) Minister and recent European Union Trade Commissioner by making public the Minister's dealings with the Russian has clearly angered Rothschild to the extent that he made public Osborne's attempts to get some Deripaska cash for the Tories, with the stern admonition that the donor community would prefer to keep such things private in future. (You bet they would! Otherwise we might as well just tax the rich properly and have public funding of political parties......) Andrew Feldman is the Chief Executive of the Conservative Party, and a key fundraiser for the party. But as far as the left is concerned, maybe it's all enough to make Martin Bell want to stand for Tatton again!