Saturday 22 November 2008

A short apology to Lib Dem Voice

Averse to the Right apologises
For ignoring Obama, and war in Goma:
The launch of the site has been delayed
By the path of Hurricane Paloma!
Staying with my in-laws in the Cayman Islands, we had a rather close call with the record-breaking storm, Hurricane Paloma. The satellite pics looked scary, but Paloma took a last minute turn to the right (or left, if you were looking up at it!), and in the end, after an anxious few hours, there was very little damage near us (just off South Sound Road, Grand Cayman). If it had gone west of the island, the anti-clockwise rotation of the hurricane might have brought us a hefty southerly wind, driving in a storm surge. This could have spelled trouble, as we were in a ground floor apartment 100 yards from the sea..... As it was, we got northerly winds because it passed east of us.
Cayman Brac and Little Cayman were nearer to the path of the storm and were badly affected, as was Cuba. But the worst thing for us – apart from a day or two indoors without water and electricity - was the apparantly permanent loss of the wireless internet connection.
This meant that I decided to wait till we got back to the UK to launch this site properly. Thanks to Lib Dem Voice for their help in this, and I feel fortunate to be able to apologise to them for the delay.... Personally speaking, it was certainly the closest call I have ever had with the Power of Mother Nature.
However, the weather was quite nice for the rest of our holiday! And I gather that my in-laws are moving to Abu Dhabi early next year....